کسی اون کتابایی ک پیشنهاد شد لاتینشو داره ؟؟؟ یا Pdf ش هست ببینیم ؟؟ ندیدم متنشو ....کدومش متنش سبکتر و روونه و همه میتونن باش کنار بیان
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ment selects rabbits. It is not mysterious that mutations eventually
show up in so many cases. Mutation is random, but selection is not.
Likewise, it is now clear why cancer is a disease that very roughly
doubles in frequency every decade of our lives, being principally a
disease of old age. In somewhere between a tenth and a half of us,
depending on the country we live in, cancer will eventually get round
the various tumour-suppressor genes, including TP53, and will inflict
a terrible and possibly fatal disease upon us. That this is a sign of
the success of preventative medicine, which has eliminated so many
other causes of death at least in the industrialised world, is little
consolation. The longer we live, the more mistakes we accumulate
in our genes, and the greater the chance that an oncogene may be
jammed on and three tumour-suppressor genes jammed off in the
same cell. The chances of this occurring are almost unimaginably
small, but then the number of cells we make in our lifetimes is
almost unimaginably large. As Robert Weinberg has put it:5 'One
fatal malignancy per one hundred million billion cell divisions does
not seem so bad after all.
این هم یه قسمت از متن کتاب
Since the energy per quantum is related to wavelength (Ehc/), short wavelengths are
more energetic than long ones. UV wavelengths flanking the blue end of the visual spectrum
(200–400 nm) are particularly damaging to cells, because photons of ultraviolet
light are energetic enough to break covalent bonds, thereby creating reactive free radicals
that chemically alter and denature macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids,
lipids, and small metabolites. Damage to membrane proteins, such as ion channels and
gates, is a particular concern. Photons of infrared radiation (750–1000 nm) are less
energetic than those corresponding to visible wavelengths, but are strongly absorbed by
carbon bonds in macromolecules such as DNA and by water, leading to accumulation of
kinetic energy (heat) and denaturation of molecules. Visible light itself is unique
because it is absorbed relatively poorly by living cells, particularly at green and yellow
wavelengths. For the most part, cellular absorption of visible light is considerably less
than for the flanking UV and IR wavelengths. Since green light is relatively nontoxic
and marks the peak sensitivity for human color vision, the 546 nm green line of the mercury
arc lamp is commonly used for monochromatic illumination of living cells.
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