.:English short stories:.


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Take time

Take time

Take time to work; work is the foundation of success

Take time to think; thought is the source of power

Take time to exercise; exercise is the secret of ever lasting youth

Take time to read; books are the fountain of wisdom

Take time to be friendly; friends are the road to happiness

Take time to laugh; laughter is the music of the soul

Take time to dream; dreaming is the road to greater vision

Take time to give; life is too short to be selfish

Take time to love and be loved; love is the privilege granted by God

Youth: the time of life when a person is young

Fountain: a rich source or supply of s.th

Privilege: advantage that a particular person has

The next morning Chester was sitting on his train to work. He was wondering whether he should look at The Book of Thoughts again when he noticed a photograph of the attractive middle-aged woman he had seen the lady before. It appeared on the front page of a newspaper held open by the person sitting opposite him. Her picture was next to that of an older man. The headline read: TWO DIE IN LOVERS’ SHOOTING.

He didn’t have to read any more. It was obvious that the book had correctly read the woman’s mind the day before and that she had carried out her plan. But it was too late to do any thing now.

Anyway, it was none of his business.

Chester didn’t feel like looking at the book for the rest of the journey. However, he did start to think more about the book. Why, he wondered, had he not told anyone else about it?

The truth was that he could hardly believe in it himself. If he started telling others about an amazing book that could read thoughts they would think he was crazy. And what harm might it do to his career? In any case, he did not know whether it would work for other people. Perhaps the book only worked for him.

“Best leave the book alone for now,” thought Chester.

“Yes, that would be best.”

But the book still sat in his pocket as he walked off the train.

The first part of the morning was brilliant. The Manager was very happy indeed with the way Chester had arranged the meeting with the Eastern company. It had been a great success. He received congratulations from all the people at the office. Many fine words were said to him about his bright future. Chester felt very pleased with himself.

Then he thought of his book.

What were they all really thinking about him? He wanted to know who he could trust and who he couldn’t. He couldn’t trust Shaw, he knew that. But, surely there were not many like him. “After all,” thought Chester, “I am young, good-looking, cheerful, successful – and I’m one of the rising stars of the company. I must be one of the most popular guys here!”

But he wasn’t.

In fact, the book told him so every time he looked at it. At first he thought it was only the older people who were jealous of his success. But it was the young ones, too. All of them. They thought he was clever but believed himself better than they were: good-looking but without any feelings. Some even thought he might be dishonest.

They hated him.

Chester had a lonely lunch at a café near the park. As he sat at his table, drinking strong coffee, he took out the book and looked at its cover. He read it: The Book of Thoughts.

He opened it. There was nothing there. Not a word. He wondered why it didn’t show his own thoughts. Maybe it was because he already knew them. Maybe.

But what if he asked it to show him his deepest thoughts, the ones he didn’t realise he was thinking? Would it do that? Should he ask it?

The idea frightened him. If thoughts were hidden, perhaps there was a good reason for it. Yet he still wanted to look. It was almost too much for him.

“I won’t do it!” he told himself.” The last time I looked in the book it told me things I wish I hadn’t found out. No, I won’t do it! . . . Not yet.”

The café was becoming crowded so Chester walked back to the office.

Back to Dorothy.

She would be back from her training course by now. He would see her and ask her to dinner. He was certain that she would not be like the other people in the office.

His darling Dorothy.

When Chester got back to the office he saw Dotothy. She was talking to old shaw. But Dorothy was nice to everybody. She was that kind of person. He called her over and she smiled to him. Even Shaw smiled.

Chester took her to a quieter part of the office and asked. Dorothy said yes, she would love to go to dinner with him. Her intelligent eyes were shining in her lovely face. Chester watched as her soft, round figure walked back to her desk.

Dorothy, at least, liked him. He could be sure of her.

Darling Dorothy!

But he would have just one quick look in the book to make sure.

He reached into his pocket. The book was not there. He felt alarmed. He quickly went back to his office. He searched all his pockets and his briefcase, even his desk drawers, thought he knew he hadn’t put the book in any of them. It was no use. The Book of Thoughts was gone.

Chester remembered the crowds as he left the café. Had somebody taken the book out of his pocket? Things don’t just disappear by themselves.

Do they?

All kinds of thoughts crowded through his mind. But the least expected and perhaps the most welcome thought was the feeling that a heavy weight had been taken away from him. He went back to try and see Dorothy again. She was talking to old Shaw – again. She saw Chester and waved to him.

At least, he thought, he still had Dorothy.

He had his career and he had Dorothy. None of the other people mattered. He could trust Dorothy. Of course he could. He was almost sure of it…

THE END:bunnyearsmiley:


New member
Joys and sorrows


I have in my hands two boxes

which God gave me to hold.

He said, “Put all your sorrows in the black one,

and all your joys in the gold.”

I obeyed his words, and in the two boxes

both my joys and sorrows I stored,

but though the gold became heavier each day

the black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,

and I saw, in the base, a hole,

I showed it to God, and wondered where my sorrows could be.

He smiled a gentle smile and said, “My child, they’re all here with me.”

I asked God why he gave me the boxes,

why the gold and the black with the hole? He said:

“My child, the gold is for your blessings to count, the black is for you to let go."

Curiosity: a strong desire to know about s.th

Blessing: God’s help and protection



New member
The house we build

The house we build

An old carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer that he planned to leave the house-building business and live a more relaxed life with his wife enjoying his large family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could manage with less money.

The employer was sorry to see his good worker leave, and he asked the carpenter if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He could not pay enough attention to his work and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.

When the carpenter finished his work, the employer came to check the house. He handed the front-door key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said, “My gift to you!”

The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.

So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often not doing our best to make the building. Then with a shock we realize we have to live in the house we have built for the rest of our lives. If we could rebuilt, we’d do it much differently.
But we cannot go back.

You are the carpenter:
Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. “Life is a do-it-yourself project,” someone has said. Your attitudes and the choices you make today, build the “house” you live in tomorrow.
Build wisely!

Carpenter: a person who is skilled at making and repairing wooden objects, especially one who does this as a job.

Paycheck: the amount of wages a person earns

Inferior: not good or less good in quality or value

Dedicated: (especially of people) very interested in or working very hard for an idea, purpose etc

Erect: to build or establish
