.:English short stories:.


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هایدی جان من داستان پرستار مهربون رو که می خونم ؛بعضی قسمت ها ساختارش واسم سخته ؛یعنی با اینکه معنی لغت به لغت رو می دونم ولی مفهموم جمله رو درک نمی کنم ؛اشکالی نداره اگر اونا رو جدا کنم و بپرسم ؟
به نظم تاپیک لطمه نمیزنه (یا تو پروف خودت بپرسم؟)


New member
هایدی جان من داستان پرستار مهربون رو که می خونم ؛بعضی قسمت ها ساختارش واسم سخته ؛یعنی با اینکه معنی لغت به لغت رو می دونم ولی مفهموم جمله رو درک نمی کنم ؛اشکالی نداره اگر اونا رو جدا کنم و بپرسم ؟به نظم تاپیک لطمه نمیزنه (یا تو پروف خودت بپرسم؟)
آره عزیزم بپرس..اگه بتونم کمکی کنم خوشحال میشم..هیچ فرقی نمیکنه، هر جا که خودت دوست داری بپرس نه لیلا جون نظم اینجا بهم نمیخوره


New member
اون فوری جذب چشمای تیزبین، صورت خجالتی و زیبا و هیکل خوبش شد. (هیکل خوش فرمش شد.)

من تحت الفظی ترجمه نکردم
آخه intelligent یعنی باهوش اما ربطی به چشم نداره که
واسه همین وقتی برای خودم میخونم میگم چشمای تیزبین
soft round figure هم همینطور کلا گفتم هیکل خوش فرمش


New member
داستانم طولانیه اما چون قشنگه مرحله به مرحله همشو می تایپم :)

و اما داستان راستان....

Chester was feeling more tired than usual after a hard day at the office. He had joined the company only two years before. He had come straight from university then, but now he was a junior manager in one of the biggest companies in Singapore. It was an important position to have and meant lots of extra work.

He could understand the jealousy that some of the other workers might feel against the “new boy”, as they still called him. He had risen quickly in the company. Many of them, however, had been there for years doing the same jobs. He could understand how bad feeling towards him might lie hidden behind their smiles.

But it didn’t make life any easier.

He needed people whose advice he could trust when he had to make difficult decisions. He had to be sure that the bad feelings of the other workers didn’t get in the way of the important business decisions he had to make. He knew he could never be come a manager unless he could be sure of people.

Then there was Dorothy.

Chester was fairly sure of his own good looks. He was dark and slim and dressed smartly, but with an eye to be a sociable and effective junior manager.

But when it came to Dorothy his judgment disappeared. Dorothy was a bright girl who had just joined the company, straight from university. He was attracted at once by her intelligent eyes, her shy, pretty face and her soft, round figure.

Ah, Dorothy!

Take today, for example. He had been given some new figures to check and he had asked Dorothy to read some of the details to him while he took notes. It was not until she had left that he realized that he had not written notes at all. Instead he had written Dorothy’s name several times. He was too embarrassed to ask Dorothy for the details again, so he had to look them up in the office of old Mr. Shaw.

Mr. Shaw was known for always being in a bad mood and he was no different this time. He didn’t like having to stay late to check figures for some junior manager. He didn’t like it at all.

Chester hated it when he made mistakes. It didn’t look good. But it didn’t happen often.

هایدی جان فکر کنم اینطوری بهتر باشه ؛مفهوم اینایی رو که قرمز کردم متوجه میشم ولی نمی تونم یه جمله خوب براش بنویسم.



New member
چیزی از رفتنش(رفتن دختره) نگذشته بود که متوجه شد هیچ یادداشتی بر نداشته..


New member
He could understand the jealousy that some of the other workers might feel against the “new boy”, as they still called him
او متوجه حسادت بعضی از کارکنان نسبت به "پسر تازه از راه رسیده"، اسمی که هنوز صداش میکردن، شده بود.

He needed people whose advice he could trust when he had to make difficult decisions
او به افرادی نیاز داشت که بتونه موقع تصمیم گیری های مشکل از نصیحتشون استفاده کنه.

He was attracted at once by her intelligent eyes, her shy, pretty face and her soft, round figure.​
اون فوری جذب چشمای تیزبین، صورت خجالتی و زیبا و هیکل خوبش شد. (هیکل خوش فرمش شد.)

It was not until she had left that he realized that he had not written notes at all.​
چیزی از رفتنش(رفتن دختره) نگذشته بود که متوجه شد هیچ یادداشتی بر نداشته..

Chester hated it when he made mistakes. It didn’t look good. But it didn’t happen often
چستر از اشتباه کردن بدش میومد. (مرتکب اشتباه شدن) خوب به نظر نمیرسید. البته این اتفاق به ندرت رخ میداد.


New member
St. Valentine's Story

St. Valentine's Story

Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. That was long, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. I didn't like Emperor Claudius, and I wasn't the only one! A lot of people shared my feelings.

Claudius wanted to have a big army. He expected men to volunteer to join. Many men just did not want to fight in wars. They did not want to leave their wives and families. As you might have guessed, not many men signed up. This made Claudius furious. So what happened? He had a crazy idea. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law was cruel. I thought it was preposterous! I certainly wasn't going to support that law!

Did I mention that I was a priest? One of my favorite activities was to marry couples. Even after Emperor Claudius passed his law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies -- secretly, of course. It was really quite exciting. Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself. We would whisper the words of the ceremony, listening all the while for the steps of soldiers.

One night, we did hear footsteps. It was scary! Thank goodness the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught. (Not quite as light on my feet as I used to be, I guess.) I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.

I tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? Wonderful things happened. Many young people came to the jail to visit me. They threw flowers and notes up to my window. They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.

One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. She agreed that I did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages. On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, "Love from your Valentine."

I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269A.D. Now, every year on this day, people remember. But most importantly, they think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh -- because they know that love can't be beaten!

Volunteer: a person who offers to do, or does s.th (especially who joins the army) of his or her own free will.

Furious: very angry

Preposterous: very foolish

Priest: کشیش

candlelit room: A candlelit room or table is lit by the light of candles.

To keep your spirits up: to remain optimistic

loyalty: وفاداری

داستانم طولانیه اما چون قشنگه مرحله به مرحله همشو می تایپم :)

و اما داستان راستان....

Chester was feeling more tired than usual after a hard day at the office. He had joined the company only two years before. He had come straight from university then, but now he was a junior manager in one of the biggest companies in Singapore. It was an important position to have and meant lots of extra work.

He could understand the jealousy that some of the other workers might feel against the “new boy”, as they still called him. He had risen quickly in the company. Many of them, however, had been there for years doing the same jobs. He could understand how bad feeling towards him might lie hidden behind their smiles.

But it didn’t make life any easier.

He needed people whose advice he could trust when he had to make difficult decisions. He had to be sure that the bad feelings of the other workers didn’t get in the way of the important business decisions he had to make. He knew he could never be come a manager unless he could be sure of people.

Then there was Dorothy.

Chester was fairly sure of his own good looks. He was dark and slim and dressed smartly, but with an eye to be a sociable and effective junior manager.

But when it came to Dorothy his judgment disappeared. Dorothy was a bright girl who had just joined the company, straight from university. He was attracted at once by her intelligent eyes, her shy, pretty face and her soft, round figure.

Ah, Dorothy!

Take today, for example. He had been given some new figures to check and he had asked Dorothy to read some of the details to him while he took notes. It was not until she had left that he realized that he had not written notes at all. Instead he had written Dorothy’s name several times. He was too embarrassed to ask Dorothy for the details again, so he had to look them up in the office of old Mr. Shaw.

Mr. Shaw was known for always being in a bad mood and he was no different this time. He didn’t like having to stay late to check figures for some junior manager. He didn’t like it at all.

Chester hated it when he made mistakes. It didn’t look good. But it didn’t happen often.

سلام خیلی خوشحالم که با دقت به داستان توجه می کنین و بی تفاوت رد نمی شین هایدی جون تو چرا زحمت کشیدی من جواب می دادم.

حالا اگه جسارت نباشه نظر منم ببینین بد نیست :)

او می تونست متوجه احساس حسادتی که دیگر همکارانش ممکن بود علیه "پسر تازه وارد" داشته باشند رو احساس کنه همونطور که او رو با این اصطلاح صدا می زدن نه اسم خودش

او به افرادی احتیاج داشت که بتونه به نصایح اونها اعتماد کنه یا روی حرفشون حساب کنه چون تازه وارد شرکت شده بود و کسی رو نمی شناخت

او همینطور که تازه وارد شرکت شده بود در بین همکاراش تنها دروتی او رو به یکباره جذب خودش کرده بود . جذب چشمان باهوش (چشمانی که او رو باهوش جلوه می دادن) ، محجوب بودنش، چهره زیبا و ظاهر لطیف و گرد. (شاید منظورش از گرد این بوده که خانم دروتی ریزه میزه بوده !!!)

او نتونست یادداشت برداره و زمانی متوجه شد که اصلا چیزی ننوشته که خانم دروتی رفته بود

او متنفر بود که تو شرکت کار اشتباهی انجام بده چون براش بد می شد اما اغلب کاراشو درست انجام می داد.
آخرین ویرایش:
The Book of Thoughts

The train was less crowded than usual the following morning. He was lucky enough to find a seat for his short journey. He liked to watch people as they all sat or stood with faces that gave no sign of what they were thinking. Everybody avoided looking at another person in the eye that might cause trouble.

Chester relaxed in his seat. He had decided that the experience of the night before as best forgotten. Who ever heard of a book that read thoughts? The whole idea was crazy!

Then he remembered that he still had the book in his pocket. He ought to throw it away in the next rubbish bin. Yes, that’s he would do. Get rid of the stupid things.

He noticed that the woman who sat opposite was an attractive, smartly dressed middle-aged lady. Her eyes looked down and her face showed nothing of her thoughts. Chester wondered what she was thinking.

Should he look at the book?

Perhaps just a little look would be fun. Where was the harm in it?

He reached for the book in his pocket. He took it out. “Go on”, he said to himself, “you might as well try out the book. Just for a laugh. Do it!”

He opened the book and almost at once words in clear black letters appeared on the white pages. The words read:

I’ve given the best years of my life to him. Bank managers have married their secretaries before now. He must decide today – leave that awful wife and marry me or I’ll shoot him and myself dead.

Chester saw the woman’s soft handbag had something in it that looked hard. Could it be a gun? He quickly shut the book and looked away.

Next he saw a tough looking man wearing a T- shirt, showing his powerful arms. What was he thinking?

Chester opened the book. It read:

I like chicken better than pork. Fried chicken is the best. Followed by chocolate ice cream – my favourite. Mum’s a great cook – I love you, mum.

Chester couldn’t help smiling at the man. The man saw him and gave him a dangerous look. Just then the train reached Chester’s station.

Time to get off the train.

He closed the book and put it back into his pocket. As he walked the short distance to his office his mind turned from the book to Dorothy. He had been thinking of asking her out to dinner.

“I’ll do it today,” he thought. “But what if she hasn’t thought about me in that way? Maybe she isn’t as attracted to me as I am to her?”

For a moment his heart felt heavy.

“Hey, come on, Chester – she’s not blind. She’s sure to be interested – after all, you’re a good-looking guy and you are a junior manager.”

* * *

tough: تنومند
The Book of Thoughts

Chester walked into his office. His secretary was already busy typing.

“Any messages, Miss Han?” he asked her.

“Yes, sir,” said Miss Han, “from the Manager. He says he can’t go to the meeting today about the Eastern business.
He wants you to take over right away.”


This was the kind of opportunity he’d been waiting for. He would show them all just how good he was. This was an important piece of business. If he could make sure that everything went well he would get noticed. He would be an obvious choice for the next manager’s job. If he became a manager he would be the youngest manager in the business!

And Dorothy would like that, wouldn’t she? What woman wouldn’t?

He thought of her soft figure in his arms. Her voice was whispering his name softly, Oh, Chester… Chester…

Ah, Dorothy!

“No problem,” he told Miss Han. “Tell the others I’ll be there to prepare for the meeting in half an hour.”

When he met the others Chester was confident and did his job well. He made sure that everybody knew what to do. The meeting that afternoon was sure to be a success. If, of course, the figures he had were all correct.

Just then he noticed a little smile on the face of Mr Shaw.

“What’s the old man got to smile about?” thought Chester. “He never smiles – why is he smiling now?”

Then he remembered his little book.

He took it out of his pocket and hid it behind some papers. He pretended to be looking at his notes and thought of Mr Shaw. The words appeared immediately:

I’ll teach that young fool a lesson. I’ve got some figures he doesn’t know about hidden in my office. I’ve been working on this longer than he has. When he can’t come up with the right figures he’ll look like a boy trying to do a man’s job. He needs to learn some respect for experienced professionals like me.

Chester felt a cold sweat on the back of his neck.

“So the old man really does dislike me, after all!”

Chester wondered what all the others thought about him but had no time to consult his book.

“Thanks everybody _ see you all this afternoon,” Chester told them all. “Enjoy your lunch.”


pretend: وانمود کردن
come up: مواجه شدن


New member
هایدی عزیز یه سوال دارم ؛من قسمت دوم داستانی رو که پرستار عزیزم گذاشته رو توی 5 دقیقه خوندم ؛با این تفاوت که دنبال معنی لغت به لغت نرفتم و وقتی دیم مفهوم کلی داستان رو متوجه میشم ؛اون 10-20 (شاید) لغتی رو که متوجه نشدم رو بیخیال شدم ؛این کار اشکال داره؟

چیزی که من گرفتم: چستر تصمیم گرفت که تا خونه قدم بزنه و به افکارش سر و سامونی بده ؛تصمیم گرفت برای غذا خورن به رستوران چینی ها نزدیک خونه اش بره .
توی مسیرش تا رستوران یه مغازه رو دید که چیزای قدیمی میفروشه ؛دوست داره توی اینجور مغازه ها رو نگاه کنه پشت شیشه مغازه زده بود تعطیله و فردا باز میشه ؛چندتا کارتن کتاب کهنه جلوی مغازه بود ؛چستر نگاشون کرد ؛کتابای قدیمی مدرسه ؛کتابای آشپزی و ... بود .
بین اون کتابا یه کتاب کوچیک توجه اش رو جلب کرد برش داشت و خواست بره که صدای از پشت سرش بهش گفت که بگذاردش سر جاش ؛وقتی برگشت یه مرد حدودا 80 ساله رو دید ؛پیرمرد بهش گفت قراره مغازه رو به پسر خواهرش بده و نمی خواد این آشغالا رو به اون بده ؛بهش گفت برو و بعه خودت کمک کن.
چستر تشکر کرد و به رستوران رفت و آبجو خورد و واسه شام مرغ و برنج سفارش داد .
مرغش نپخته بود و اون پیشخدمت رو صدا کرد و که مرغ صورتی هست (نپخته) و بارش عوضش کنه . پیشخدمته گفت که این مرغ خام هست و الان خیلی معروفه و خیلی ها در موردش میدونن و مزهاش رو دوست دارن.
چستر طوری که دیگران میتونستن صداش رو بشنون گفت که : چیزای زیادی در مورد بیماری هایی که با مرغ خام منتقل میشه شنیده و به پیش خدمت گفت که این رو برگردون و یه تیکه مرغ که کاملا پخته باشه بیار.

چستر تصمیم گرفت تا وقتی منتظر پیشخدمت هست ؛اون کتاب رو نگاه کنه ؛کتاب اندازه ای بود که کاملا توی جیبش جا میشد و یه جلد چرم قدیمی داشت.
جلدش رو پاک کرد که بتونه عنوان رو بخونه ؛اول فکر کرد که به یه زبان دیگه هست ولی بعد که تمیزش کرد ؛انگلیسی شد و در کمال تعجب دید که اسم کتا ب هست: کتاب افکار
آخرین ویرایش:


New member
هایدی عزیز یه سوال دارم ؛من قسمت دوم داستانی رو که پرستار عزیزم گذاشته رو توی 5 دقیقه خوندم ؛با این تفاوت که دنبال معنی لغت به لغت نرفتم و وقتی دیم مفهوم کلی داستان رو متوجه میشم ؛اون 10-20 (شاید) لغتی رو که متوجه نشدم رو بیخیال شدم ؛این کار اشکال داره؟

چیزی که من گرفتم: چستر تصمیم گرفت که تا خونه قدم بزنه و به افکارش سر و سامونی بده ؛تصمیم گرفت برای غذا خورن به رستوران چینی ها نزدیک خونه اش بره .
توی مسیرش تا رستوران یه مغازه رو دید که چیزای قدیمی میفروشه ؛دوست داره توی اینجور مغازه ها رو نگاه کنه پشت شیشه مغازه زده بود تعطیله و فردا باز میشه ؛چندتا کارتن کتاب کهنه جلوی مغازه بود ؛چستر نگاشون کرد ؛کتابای قدیمی مدرسه ؛کتابای آشپزی و ... بود .
بین اون کتابا یه کتاب کوچیک توجه اش رو جلب کرد برش داشت و خواست بره که صدای از پشت سرش بهش گفت که بگذاردش سر جاش ؛وقتی برگشت یه مرد حدودا 80 ساله رو دید ؛پیرمرد بهش گفت قراره مغازه رو به پسر خواهرش بده و نمی خواد این آشغالا رو به اون بده ؛بهش گفت برو و بعه خودت کمک کن.
چستر تشکر کرد و به رستوران رفت و آبجو خورد و واسه شام مرغ و برنج سفارش داد .
مرغش نپخته بود و اون پیشخدمت رو صدا کرد و که مرغ صورتی هست (نپخته) و بارش عوضش کنه . پیشخدمته گفت که این مرغ خام هست و الان خیلی معروفه و خیلی ها در موردش میدونن و مزهاش رو دوست دارن.
چستر طوری که دیگران میتونستن صداش رو بشنون گفت که : چیزای زیادی در مورد بیماری هایی که با مرغ خام منتقل میشه شنیده و به پیش خدمت گفت که این رو برگردون و یه تیکه مرغ که کاملا پخته باشه بیار.

چستر تصمیم گرفت تا وقتی منتظر پیشخدمت هست ؛اون کتاب رو نگاه کنه ؛کتاب اندازه ای بود که کاملا توی جیبش جا میشد و یه جلد چرم قدیمی داشت.
جلدش رو پاک کرد که بتونه عنوان رو بخونه ؛اول فکر کرد که به یه زبان دیگه هست ولی بعد که تمیزش کرد ؛انگلیسی شد و در کمال تعجب دید که اسم کتا ب هست: کتاب افکار

لیلا جون اتفاقا کار درستی کردی..
موقع خوندن نباید دنبال معنی لغت به لغت کلمه ها بود و همین که مفهوم کلی رو بگیری عالیه.. :smilies-azardl (113
تازه اگرم معنی کلمه ای رو نمیدونی باید سعی کنی بر طبق جمله قبل وبعدش
معنی کلمه رو حدس بزنی.. دیگه اگه ناچار شدی اون وقته که میری تو دیکشنری دنبال معنی کلمه میگردی

داستانم درست متوجه شدی
فقط اون قسمتایی که قرمز کردم اون طوری که گفتی نیست:
بین اون کتابا یه کتاب کوچیک توجه اش رو جلب کرد برش داشت. صدایی از پشت سر بهش گفت: برش دار(راحت باش). ؛وقتی برگشت یه مرد حدودا 80ساله رو دید ؛پیرمرد بهش گفت: قراره مغازه رو به پسر خواهرم بدم و نمی خوام این آشغالا رو برای خواهرزادم بذارم. هیچ کس این کتابا رو نمیخره بنابراین هرچی دلت خواست بردار.
help yourself یعنی از خودت پذیرایی کن..
ترجمه روان: او تصمیم گرفت به جای اینکه سوار مترو بشه تا خونه قدم بزنه ؛ خیلی وقت بود که از غروب گذشته بود اما او احساس کرد که نیاز داره تا قدم بزنه و افکارشو بعد از یک روز پرکار صاف کنه. این پیاده روی برای او می تونست حکم تنبیه رو داشته باشه برای کار احمقانه ای که تو شرکت انجام داده بود (با وجود دروتی نتونست یادداشت برداره). تصمیم گرفت در مرکز خرید نزدیک خونه شون غذا بخوره. غذاهای چینی اونجا رو دوست داشت.
همونطور که داشت به سمت رستوران چینی مورد علاقه اش نزدیک خونه حرکت می کرد متوجه شد هنوز چراغ های یک مغازه عتیقه فروشی قدیمی روشنه . اغلب باخودش فکر کرده بود که سری به این مغازه بزنه چون از مغازه هایی که چیزای قدیمی می فروختن خوشش میومد. وایساد و نگاه کرد. جعبه های پر از کتاب های قدیمی رو هم انباشته بیرون از مغازه وجود داشت. روی پنجره مغازه یادداشتی وجود داشت. نوشته بود: متاسفانه امروز مغازه بسته است. فردا دوباره باز می کنیم.

او خم شد تا به کتاب ها نگاهی بیندازه. او تمام کتاب های قدیمی معمول رو دید: کتاب های مدرسه، کتاب های آشپزی و کتاب های دیگه با صفحه های خاکی و زرد که براش ارزشی نداشتن. به یکباره او متوجه یه کتاب کوچیک قدیمی که اونجا بود شد. از کتابای دیگه خیلی قدیمی تر به نظر می رسید. کتابو برداشت

صدایی پشت سرش بهش گفت: برش دار! چستر برگشت تا مردی حدود 80 ساله رو ببینه. مرد در مغازه رو باز کرده بود و یه جعبه دیگه پر از کتابای قدیمی دستش بود. پیرمرد گفت سالهاست که این کتابا اینجاست و ... (هایدی عزیزم ترجمه نمودند من دیگه ترجمه نمی کنم)

چستر همونطور که تشکر می کرد کتاب قدیمی رو تو جیب ژاکتش گذاشت و به طرف رستوران چینی حرکت کرد.

چستر روی میزش نشست و مشغول نوشیدن آبجو شد. چشم به راهه برنج و مرغ اش بود. وقتی اومد متوجه شد مرغش خوب نپخته. توش صورتی بود. تصمیم گرفت شکایت کنه و پیش خدمت رو صدا کرد

پیش خدمت پرسید: آقا؟

چستر متوجه شد پیش خدمت جدیده.

چستر گفت: من اینو نخواهم خورد. داخل مرغ صورتیه و خوب نپخته.

پیش خدمت گفت: آقا این مرغ نیم پخته است. خیلی از مشتریان ما این طعم بهتر رو ترجیح می دن.

چستر مستقیم به پیش خدمت نگاه کرد. به نظرش رسید که پیشخدمت داره یکم بی احترامی می کنه (احترام کافی براش قایل نیست)

چستر پاسخ داد: واقعا؟

پیشخدمت گفت : آقا این خیلی متداوله

چستر گفت: من فکر می کنم بیماری که اونها از خوردن این گوشت خام می گیرن هم خیلی متدوال باشه ها؟

او ( پیشخدمت ) ناراحت شد. مردم دیگری که در رستوران بودن می تونستن (این گفتگو رو) بشنون.

پیشخدمت چیزی نگفت اما صورتش قرمز شد.

چستر به پیش خدمت گفت: لطفا این مرغ رو عوض کن. و تکه ای برام بیار که تماما پخته باشه.

پیشخدمت درحالی که غذا رو می گرفت گفت: حتما آقا و به سمت آشپزخانه رفت.

زمانی که چستر منتظر بازگشت غذاش بود کتاب کوچک درون جیبش رو به یاد اورد. فکر کرد در حالی که منتظره (غذاست) یه نگاهی بهش (به کتاب) بندازه. کتاب رو از جیبش بیرون آورد و امتحان کرد:

کتاب با یه چرم خوب و قدیمی جلد شده بود و به اندازه کافی کوچک بود که به راحتی در جیبش قرار بگیره . برای خوندن عنوان کتاب روی جلد مجبور بود کمی خاک رو کنار بزنه. در ابتدا عنوان کتاب با حروف و اشکال عجیب، به نظر میومد به زبان دیگری باشه . اما وقتی نگاه کرد انگار (عنوان) به انگلیسی تغییر کرد. چشم هاشو محکم بست و دوباره باز کرد. البته که اشتباه کرده. باید اشتباه کرده باشه. وقتی دوباره نگاه کرد عنوان کتاب همونجور بود. عنوان هنوز خاکی بود اما به طور واضح به انگلیسی بود. نوشته بود: کتاب افکار

سلام :)
علت اینکه این استان با بقیه داستان ها فرق داره اینه که level کتاب 4 هست بنابراین سخت تره :bunnyearsmiley:
آخرین ویرایش:


New member
Helen lived with her sister Mary. Both of them were about seventy-five years old, and neither of them had ever married. They had a small, old car, and when they wanted to go somewhere, which they did very rarely, Mary always drove, because her eyes were better.

One weekend they drove to a large town to look at some things which they had read about in the newspaper. Neither of them had been to that town before.

They were driving along in a lot of traffic when they turned right into a street which cars were not allowed to go into. There was a policeman there, and he blew his whistle, but Mary did not stop, so he got on to his motor-cycle and followed them.

After he had ordered them to stop, he said: “Didn’t you hear me blow my whistle?”

“Yes, we did” admitted Mary politely, “but Mummy told us never to stop when men whistle at us.”

ممنون پرستار مهربون :ad54ad:

خواهش می کنم هایدی جونمممممم *-:
The Book of Thoughts

While Mr Shaw was eating his sandwich in the park, as he always did, Chester spent his lunch hour looking for the missing figures in Mr Shaw’s office. Shaw was old-fashioned and preferred to use paper rather than recording things on a computer. It was a simple matter to copy the figures then leave Shaw’s copies where he had found them in a box in a cupboard. Chester felt almost disappointed. This was too easy!

Chester had missed his lunch but it had been worth it. His little book was turning out to be most useful.


The meeting that afternoon was a great success. He had all the figures he needed. The Eastern company people were happy and the papers were signed. Chester’s future looked good. And as for Shaw… well, Chester could tell from his red face that he was angry because his little plan had gone wrong.

Chester made himself a promise: he would make sure that Shaw’s future would not be good. Not if he could help it.

Chester did not like to lose.

After the meeting there would be just enough time to call in on Dorothy. Perhaps she would like to congratulate him over a drink.

When he got to her desk he found that she was away on a training course. She would be back the next day.

Just my bad luck, thought Chester.

Ah, well; for the time being he could find somebody else to share this happy time with. But how and who with?

Squach! It was his favourite game. Why not arrange a game with Kim, his younger brother? Kim was a salesman. He had not gone to college but he had, like Chester, moved to the city. Chester always beat Kim at squash. He liked playing with Kim. He would telephone him as soon as he got home and see if a game could be arranged for that very night.

“Yeah… mmm… I see.”

Chester was in his apartment speaking on his mobile telephone. As he spoke he held the telephone more tightly than usual. He was listening to Kim. Kim was telling him that he had already promised to take his girlfriend to the cinema. As he spoke, Chester tried out the book to see if it would work over the telephone.

It did. It read:

I hate it when Chester and I play squash – he always wants to beat me. But he’s always wanted to be a winner, at home, at school – it never stops, even when he has a career of his own. He never thinks of me, but then he never was much of a brother. He can do without his game this time. I’m staying home to watch television.

“OK, Kim,” said Chester. “Enjoy the film. Yes… goodbye.”

Chester had never realized that his brother felt like that towards him. It came as a shock.

He spent the evening watching television and drinking wine with a takeaway meal.

At least, he thought, he would see Dorothy tomorrow.


beat: زدن
very: همان


New member
A gift for the Auntie

A gift for the Auntie

Four brothers grew up to become rich and successful doctors and lawyers. Some years later, while they were talking after dinner, they talked about the New Year gifts they had sent their elderly aunt, their only relative, who lived alone in another city far away from them.

The first one said that he had bought a big house for his aunt. The second one said that he built a home movie theater in the house for her. The third one said that he bought her a Mercedes. And the fourth one, realizing the love of his aunt for poetry, said that he had bought a parrot for $100,000 that could say a thousand lines of poetry.

After the holidays, their aunt sent them her Thank You letters.

She wrote to the first nephew: “The house you bought me is very big. I only live in one room, but I have to clean the whole house. Thanks anyway.”

She thanked her second nephew and said: “I have lost my hearing, and I can’t see well. So I never use the home movie theater.”

To the third nephew she wrote: “I am too old to travel, so I never use the Mercedes. I am thankful anyway.”

And to the youngest nephew she wrote: “You were the only one to have thought about a sensible gift. The chicken was delicious. Thank you.”

Poetry: شعر