The genetic factor
This is a given that none of us can do much about, and yet it is critical to our longevity. Thomas Perls, Associate Professor of medicine at Boston University manages a study of nearly 1,600 centenarians¹, the largest in the world. His findings reveal that approximately 50% of those who make it to 100+ have parents or grandparents who also lived to old age. The figure to remember for those of us who don’t have centenarian parents or grandparents is 50%. That is the ratio of people who made it to old age who were not given the gift of parents who lived to very old age.
Having the right genes was further emphasized by Nir Barzilai, director of the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine². He conducted a study of 500 healthy Ashkenazi Jews (inhabitants of central Europe with ancestries that go back to biblical times) between the ages of 95 and 112. He said: ”The fact is we have plenty of overweight centenarians, plenty who smoke, plenty who drink,” says Barzilai. “With the right genes, the body can put up with all sorts of abuse.”
critical وخیم . بحرانی
longevityطول عمر
manages اداره کرد. گرداندن
centenarians مربوط به قرن. آدم صد ساله
reveal فاش کردن
figure شکل. ظاهر . کشیدن .
ratio نسبت . ضریب
gift هدیه. استعداد. ژنی. بخشیدن
further بیشتر . اضافی. بعلاوه. جلو بردن
emphasized تاکید شده
conducted انجام. رفتار.هدایت کردن
plenty فراوان . متعدد. بسیار
put upکنار گذاشتن. برگزیدن
abuse توهین سوئ استفاده . خفت . بدرفتاری کردن
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