.:.یادگیری idiom همراه با مسابقه و جوایز نفیس.:.

آیا از نحوه اجرای این درس و مسابقه راضی هستید؟ نظرتون د?

  • مجموع رای دهندگان


New member
پاسخ سوال 18) b

If worse comes to worst: in the worst case; if absolutely necessary.

Example: Ted’s car isn’t running well. If worse comes to worst, he can take the bus to school.

Example: I know you’re running out of money. If worse comes to worst, you can always sell some of your jewelry.

If worse comes to worst (American English)

If the worst comes to the worst (British English

پاسخ سوال 19) a
(to) think big: to set high goals

Example: Why run for Governor of New York?
Think big: run for President of the United States!

Example: Ken and Sandra hope to sell their house for $3 million dollars. They always think big.

پاسخ سوال 20) c

easier said than done: more difficult than you think.

Example: You want to climb Mount Everest?
Easier said than done!

Example: Moving into a new home is easier said than done.



New member

اسامی و امتیاز کسانی که پاسخ صحیح دادن:

5 امتیاز تعلق میگیره به: Hamidvet, NB92, majede, mf2009

3 امتیاز تعلق میگیره به: TrueLove90

موفق باشید


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BOB Returns Home with Bad News

Bob tells his wife Susan that he has lost his job. Susan suggests that he start his own business.

Susan: What’s the matter, dear?

Bob: Susan, I got canned today at work.

Susan: But Bob, you were Peter’s right-hand man!

Bob: Yes, and he stabbed me in the back.

Susan: Keep your chin up. Maybe he’ll change his mind and take you back.

Bob: When pigs fly! Once he makes up his mind, he never changes it. Besides, I told him off.

Susan: Look on the bright side: you won’t have to set eyes on Peter ever again.

Bob: Thanks goodness for that!

Susan: Hang in there. I’m sure you won’t be out of work for long.

Bob: In the meantime, we’ll have to live from hand to mouth.

Susan: Don’t get stressed out, Bob. We’ll make ends meet.

Bob: I can always get a job at McDonald’s as a last resort.

Susan: I don’t think they’re hiring right now.

Bob: If worse comes to worst, we can sell our home and move into a tent.

Susan: Let’s think big! Maybe you can start your own business.

Bob: Easier said than done!



New member

مجموع کل امتیازات در پایان دو درس 1 و 2:


Hamidvet: 40

mf2009: 39

NB92: 39

majede: 27

TrueLove90: 23

21 :مینا*

18 :چیستا

darab: 16
  • Like
واکنش‌ها[ی پسندها]: mahsa.


New member

دوستای خوبم
از اینکه تا اینجا همراه این تاپیک بودید
بی نهایت ممنونم
اما موقتا این تاپیک تا همینجا باقی میمونه،
تا تصمیم بگیریم که به همین شکل ادامه بدیم(یعنی همراه با جایزه باشه)
یا نه تغییر کنه..



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چند مدت نتم قطع بود ازاين به بعدم فكر نكنم بتونم بيام ولي همين طوري ياد مي گيرم.ممنون