بررسی سوالات کنکور بهداشت 94 _ رشته بیوتکنولوژی پزشکی


Well-known member
Is it understood from the reading selection that the author is ........ .v

a. rejecting any misunderstanding in creativity
b. a trainee who wants to be creative
c. basing her judgment on practical experiences
d. a supporter of brainstorming and group activity



بررسی سوالات زیست شناسی سلولی و مولکولی با حضور دکتر محمد نژاد در جشنواره عصرانه آنلاین
اصلاحیه: این عصرانه به چهار شنبه ساعت 18 منتقل شد


Well-known member
Creativity can be accomplished if the person ........ .v

a. leaves out common ideas
b. takes part in group activity
c. attends exotic courses
d. works independently



Well-known member
According to the author, development of creativity has been basically limited by ....... .v

a. an improper understanding of what promotes creativity
b. lack of freedom to create crazy ideas
c. insistence on individual creative work
d. laughing at exotic ideas during brainstorming


The Guy

Well-known member
Is it understood from the reading selection that the author is ........ .v

a. rejecting any misunderstanding in creativity
b. a trainee who wants to be creative
c. basing her judgment on practical experiences
d. a supporter of brainstorming and group activity

جواب ج
In my course I find that...

The Guy

Well-known member
Creativity can be accomplished if the person ........ .v

a. leaves out common ideas
b. takes part in group activity
c. attends exotic courses
d. works independently

جواب د (البته ناچارا")

creativity does not have to be a group activity. Creative tectiques can be used in a powerful way by individuals working entirely on their own.

The Guy

Well-known member
According to the author, development of creativity has been basically limited by ....... .v

a. an improper understanding of what promotes creativity
b. lack of freedom to create crazy ideas
c. insistence on individual creative work
d. laughing at exotic ideas during brainstorming

جواب الف

It is precisely this misconception about creativity that has done so much damage and has held back the development of creativity.
آخرین ویرایش:


Well-known member
It is said that in brainstorming, people usually ...... .v

a. ignore common solutions
b. look for simple and practical ideas
c. try to make fun each other
d. consider others as their rivals



Well-known member
The writer believes that group activity ......... .v

a. can lead to creativity development
b. contributes little to being creative
c. results from being free to suggest ideas
d. is more or less the same as brainstorming


The Guy

Well-known member
It is said that in brainstorming, people usually ...... .v

a. ignore common solutions
b. look for simple and practical ideas
c. try to make fun each other
d. consider others as their rivals

جواب الف

they are always looking for the way out and exotic idea and often miss the simple and practical idea...


Well-known member
Vocabulary Q

A decongestant may help you if your nose or sinuses become congested, or ....... .v

a. sticky
b. stiff
c. stuck
d. stuffed



Well-known member
This patient presented for routine dental work but after a while he .......... a hemorrhagic brain abscess.v

a. recovered
b. contracted
c. developed
d. caugh


The Guy

Well-known member
The writer believes that group activity ......... .v

a. can lead to creativity development
b. contributes little to being creative
c. results from being free to suggest ideas
d. is more or less the same as brainstorming

جواب به نظرم هم الف میتونه باشه هم ب. ولی چون کار گروهی رو با کار فردی مقایسه کرده، گزینه ب صحیح تره.
(اگه کلید الف بود اعتراض کنیم)

creativity does not have to be a "group activity". Creative tectiques can be used in a powerful way by "individuals" working entirely on their own


Well-known member
The attending physician ........ his intern students soon after every hospital round.v

a. misled
b. debriefed
c. impaired
d. repaired



Well-known member
Despite its popular acceptance, the theory that lack of exercise causes obesity .......... Evidence.v

a. lacks
b. provides
c. has
d. completes



Well-known member
Part of the polution in Tehran is caused by smokes and gases ...... from factories around the city.v

a. extracted
b. evolved
c. emitted
d. separated



Well-known member
Some antidepressants can be ........ and are sometimes prescribed for a calm and sound sleep.v

a. stimulating
b. energizing
c. agitating
d. sedating



Well-known member
The unfair or unjust treatment by others on the basis of one'sgender, race, ethnicity, age, or social class is referred to as ....... .

a. discrimination
b. dissemination
c. dissatisfaction
d. disintegration
