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abundant plentiful adj.
accelerate increase verb
accessible available adj.
accordingly for that reason adv.
accordingly consequently adv.
account explain verb
account for explain verb
accumulate collect verb
accumulate collect verb
adhere stick verb
adjunct addition noun
administer manage verb
adorn decorate verb
adversely negatively adv.
advocate proponent noun
aesthetically artistically adv.
aid help verb
alert wary adj.
alter change verb
- - - Updated - - -
یه سری لغت براتون میذارم مترادف هستن .فقط اینارو بخونین فقطططططططططططططط...
abundant plentiful adj.
accelerate increase verb
accessible available adj.
accordingly for that reason adv.
accordingly consequently adv.
account explain verb
account for explain verb
accumulate collect verb
accumulate collect verb
adhere stick verb
adjunct addition noun
administer manage verb
adorn decorate verb
adversely negatively adv.
advocate proponent noun
aesthetically artistically adv.
aid help verb
alert wary adj.
alter change verb
- - - Updated - - -
یه سری لغت براتون میذارم مترادف هستن .فقط اینارو بخونین فقطططططططططططططط...