Please answer to the questions below:
In a case control study, cases are:
a. confirmed cases b. routinely diagnosed case c. suspected cases
2-در مطالعه مورد- شاهدی می¬خواهیم رابطه Obesity و سرطان را بسنجیم. اما میدانیم که بیماران دیابتی ما اکثرا چاق هستند.
.a بهتر است دیابتی ها را حذف کنیم b. فقط دیابتی ها را در case و control بگیریم.
.c دیابتی ها را در هر گروه بگیریم اما diabetes shouldn't be the admission diagnosis
3- Special- exposure group study is useful for disease and exposure, both are rare ؟)wrong/true)
4- If prevalence of exposure are the same. Which one of them is more powerful?
A. 100/1000 B= 50/10000
5- % attributable risk in the exposed group depends on what?
وابسته به RR
6- Exposure has error, therefore,
a. Bias in RR toward null b. Bias in RR away from null
c. no bias d.unable to determine the direction of bias
7- Closed cohort is powerful, when:
a. We have equal exposed & non- exposed
b. power isn't dependent on number of exposed & non- exposed
8- Which one of the below factors is related to exposure prevalence among population
a. Rate ratio b. exposed attributable fraction
c. risk ratio d. population attributable fraction
9- Pls indicate whine one is wrong or True
PAR is always greater than exposed AR…….غ
RR= 1.5 .......>>50% increase in ………ص…….
RR= 0.2 ......>> 20% decrease in ………