Essential words for the TOEFL


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مسلما حفظ کردن لغات هم کار سختیست و هم زمانی که تکرار نشه منجر به فراموشی میشه و با استرسی که سر امتحان هست ممکن است حافظه کمک زیادی به یادآوری معنی لغت نکند.پس بهتر است که لغت رو خوب یاد بگیریم تا حفظ کنیم.این تاپیک رو زدم تا هر روز 15 لغت از هر درس تافل رو باهم بخونیم و یادبگیریم.

بدین صورت که ابتدا کلمه رو مینویسم بعد از کلماتی که تشکیل شده.تکرار کنید تا املاش رو یاد بگیرید.
بعد معنی رو می آورم همرا با مثال.
معنی رو بصورت انگلیسی مینویسم تا بفهمید منظور کلمه چی هست و یاد بگیرید تا اینکه حفظ کنید.
اینجوری به درک مطلبتون هم کمک میشه.

sb = some body
sth = some thing

آرزوی موفقیت برای همتون دارم
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واکنش‌ها[ی پسندها]: mahnam


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lesson 1

1: abroad: a b r o a d
meaning:in or to a foreign country
example:to be/go/travel/live abroad
He was famous,both at home and abroad
(in his own country and in other countries)

2: abrupt : a b r u p t
meaning: sudden and unexpected ,often in anunpleasant way
example: an abrupt change/halt/departure

syn: brusqe,curt : in abrupt manner
example: she was very abrupt with me in our meeting
3: acceptable : a c c e p t a b l e
meaning: agreed or approved of by most people in a society
not very good but good enough

opp: unacceptable
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4:acclaim : a c c l a i m
meaning: praise and approval for sb/sth,especially an achievement
example: international/popular/critical acclaim
5: actually : a c t u a l l y
meaning: 1- used in speaking to emphasize a fact or a comment or that sth is really true.
example: what did she actually say?

2- used to show a contrast between what is true and what sb believes , and to show surprise about this contrast.
example: it was actually quite fun after all.

3- used to correct sb in a polite way.
example:we are not american ,actually we are canadian.

4- used to get sb's attention to introduce a new topic or to say sth that sb may not like ,in a polite way
example: actually i am busy at the moment .can I call you back?
adverse: a d v e r s e
meaning: negative and unpleasant .not likely to produce a good result.
example: adverse change/circumstance/weather conditions.
lack of money wil have an adverse effect on our research programme.

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7: advice : a d v i c e
meaning: an opinion or a suggestion about what sb should do in a particular situation
example: advice on road safety.
take my advice .don't do it
I chose it on his advice
8- attractive : a t t r a c t i v e
meaning : 1- of a person: pleasant to look at ,especially in a sexual way
example: an attractive women .

syn: at beautiful

2- of a thing or a place: pleasant
example : a big house with an attractive garden.

3- having features or qualities that make sth seem intersting and worth having.
example: an attractive offer /proposition

syn: appealing
opp: unattractive
9- autonomous : a u t o n o m o u s
meaning:1- of a country :a region or an organization able to govern itself or control its own affairs
example: an autonomous republic/state/province

syn: independent

2- of a person: able to do things and make decisions without help from anyone else.
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دوست عزیز نرم افزاری که میخوام معرفی کنم یک نرم افزار بی نظیره ،فقط کافی یکبار امتحان کنی، چون خودم دارم استفاده می کنم نامش پرآموزی است که شامل تافل، 504، 1100،زبان عمومی پیام نور،OPD و آیلس با مطالعه این نرم افزار نیازی به کتاب نیست واین نرم افزار برای مطالعه کارشناسی ارشد علوم پزشکی خیلی مفید است . می توانید برای تهیه آن به سایت پرآموزی مراجعه نمایید. در این نرم افزار تلفظ لغات بصورت انگلیسی و آمریکایی و شامل تست های مختلف اعم از ریدینگ و لغات به صورت هر درس امکان پذیر
می باشد.برای یادگیری در این سیستم از لاینتر استفاده گردیده است و آموزش لغات به صورت تصاویر می باشد و قیمت هر نرم افزار (504-1100-Essential words for the toefl-opd-) به مبلغ 125000 ریال می باشد.اگر علاقه مند بودید این نرم افزار را تهیه کنید از 504 شروع کنید که شامل 3500 لغت می باشد.
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10- disapproval : d i s a p p r o v a l
meaning: of sb or sth : a feeling that you do'nt like an idea ,an action or sb's behavior.because you think it is bad ,not suitable or going to have a bad effect on sb else.
example: disapproval of his methods.
he shook his head in disapproval.
11- disruptive : d i s r u p t i v e
meaning: causing problems ,noise , that sth can not continue normally.
example: she has a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.
12- haphazardly: h a p h a z a r d l y
meaning: with no particular order or plan .not organized well.
example: the government approach to the problem was haphazard.


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13- ideal : i d e a l
meaning: - adj : 1- for sth : perfect.most suitable.
example: the beach is ideal for childeren.

2- only before noun: existing only in your imagination or as an idea.not likely to be real.
example: in in ideal world there would be no poverty and disease

- noun : 1- an idea or standard that seems perfect , and worth trying to achieve or obtain.
example: she found it hard to live up to his high ideals.

2- of sth : a person or thing that you think is perfect .
example: it is my ideal of what a family home should be.
14- persistent : p e r s i s t e n t
meaning: 1- determined to do sth despite difficulties , especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable.
example: how do you deal with persistent saleman who wo'nt take no for an answer?

2- continuing for a long period of time without interruption or repeated frequently,especially in a way that is annoying and can not be stopped.

syn : unrelenting
15- wide : w i d e
meaning : from one side to the other, large number / amount,difference/GAP/very big.
example: a wide river
a wide range/ choice/variety of goods.
there are wide variation in prices.

opp: narrow


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دوست عزیز نرم افزاری که میخوام معرفی کنم یک نرم افزار بی نظیره ،فقط کافی یکبار امتحان کنی، چون خودم دارم استفاده می کنم نامش پرآموزی است که شامل تافل، 504، 1100،زبان عمومی پیام نور،OPD و آیلس با مطالعه این نرم افزار نیازی به کتاب نیست واین نرم افزار برای مطالعه کارشناسی ارشد علوم پزشکی خیلی مفید است . می توانید برای تهیه آن به سایت پرآموزی مراجعه نمایید. در این نرم افزار تلفظ لغات بصورت انگلیسی و آمریکایی و شامل تست های مختلف اعم از ریدینگ و لغات به صورت هر درس امکان پذیر
می باشد.برای یادگیری در این سیستم از لاینتر استفاده گردیده است و آموزش لغات به صورت تصاویر می باشد و قیمت هر نرم افزار (504-1100-Essential words for the toefl-opd-) به مبلغ 125000 ریال می باشد.اگر علاقه مند بودید این نرم افزار را تهیه کنید از 504 شروع کنید که شامل 3500 لغت می باشد.

ممنون دوست عزیز من به روش خودم کار میکنم و خواهش میکنم تبلیغ نکنید.هر کس به روشی زبان رو یاد میگیره و من میخوام با تلاش خودم در کنار دوستانم این کار رو انجام بدم.
ممنون از پیامتون .موفق باشید.


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Lesson 2

1_ advanced: a d v a n c e d

Meaning: 1_ having the most modern and recently developed ideas,methods,etc.
Example: advanced technology.

2_ (of a course of study) at a high or difficult level.
Example: an advanced student of English.

3_ at a late stage of development.
Example: at advanced stage of the disease.

4_ polite expression to describe sb as very old.
Example: he was a man of advanced years.
2_ advantage: a d v a n t a g e

Meaning: 1_ a thing that helps you to be better or more successful that other people.
Example: she had an advantage of a good education.

2_ a quality of sth that makes it better or more useful.
3_ advent: a d v e n t

Meaning: 1_ the advent of sth/sb the coming of an important event,person,invention,etc
Example: the advent of new technology.

2_ (in the christian religion) the priod of approximately four weeks before christmas.
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4- agile : a g i l e

meaning : 1- able to move quickly and easily

2- able to think quickly and in an intelligent way.
example: an agile mind/brain

syn: nimble
5- albeit : a l b e i t

meaning: although
example: he finally agreed , albeit reluctantly , to help us.
6- allow : a l l o w

meaning: 1- to let sb/sth do sth to let sth happen or be done.
example: his parents wo'nt allow him to stay out late.

2- sb/yourself sth to let sb have sth .
example : you are allowed an hour to complete the test.


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7- appealing : a p p e a l i n g

meaning:1- attractive or interesting.
example: spending the holidays in britian was not a prospect that I found particularly appealing.

2- showing that you want people to help you or to show you pity or sympathy.
example: would you really help? he said with an appealing look.
8- celebrated : c e l e b r a t e d

meaning: famous for having good qualities .
example: a celebrated painter
9- contemporary : c o n t e m p o r a r y

meaning: 1- (adj) 1 - belonging to the same time .
example: we have no contemporary account of battle.

2- belonging to the present time.
example : life in contemporary britian.
contemporary fiction/music/dance

syn: modern

2- (noun) a person who lives or lived at the same time as sb else.especially sb who is about the same age.
example: she and I were contemporary at collage.
he was a contemporary of freud and may have known him.


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10- distribute: d i s t r i b u t e

meaning: 1- to give things to a large number of people, to share sth between a number of people.
example: the newspaper is distributed free.

2- to send goods to shops/stores and business so that they can be sold.
example: who distributed our products in the UK.

3- to spread sth or different parts of sth over an area
example: make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.
11- encourage : e n c o u r a g e

meaning: 1- to give sb support , courage or hope.
example: my parents have always encourage me in my choice of career.

2- to persuade sb to do sth by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do
example: banks actively encourage people to borrow money.

3- to make sth more likely to happen or develope.
example: they claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in young children.

opp: discourage
12- energetic: e n e r g e t i c

meaning : having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm .
example: he knew I was energetic and dynamic and would get things done


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ممنون بابت زحمتی که می کشید ولی 15 کلمه فکر کنم یک کمی زیاد باشه...


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13- frail : f r a i l

meaning: 1- ( especially of an old person) phisically weak and thin.
example: Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.

2- weak, easily damaged or broken.
example: the frail stems of the flowers.
human nature is frail
14- refine : r e f i n e

meaning: 1- to make a substance pure by taking other substance out of it.
example: the process of refining oil/sugar

2- to improve sth by making small changes to it.
15- worthwhile : w o r t h w h i l e

meaning: important , enjoyable, interesting, etc .
worth spending time, money or effort on.
example: it was in aid of a worthwhile couse.
the smile on her face made it all worthwhile.


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ممنون بابت زحمتی که می کشید ولی 15 کلمه فکر کنم یک کمی زیاد باشه...

ممنون بابت زحمتی که می کشید ولی 15 کلمه فکر کنم یک کمی زیاد باشه...

خواهش میکنم عزیزم امیدوارم خوب استفاده کنید.
اگر فلش کارت ها رو خونده باشی هر درس 15 کلمه هست.

اگر داشته باشی اول یک نگاه روی کارتها بنداز تا معنیشون تو ذهنت بیاد عزیزم.بعد اینجا که بخونی کامل یاد میگیری.
میفهمی معنیشون تو جمله چجوری بکار میره.اونوقت برات آسونتر میشه .

هر روز از صبح تا شب یک درس رو یاد میگیریم و مرور میکنیم.

میتونی با گوشیت از کلمه ها عکس بگیری و روی گوشیت هر روز یک درس رو که با هم میخونیم همش مرور کنی.کم کم 15 کلمه برات آسون میشه.

اما سعی کن انگلیسی بخونی تا بفهمی .فراموش کردنش خیلی کم میشه.امیدوارم موفق باشی.