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موضوع بسته شده است و نمی‌توان پاسخ جدیدی فرستاد.


New member
با سلام خدمت تمام دوستان

الان که این پست را ویرایش می کنم حدود 14 ماه از ایجاد این بخش و ارایه این طرح می گذرد من خیلی خوشحالم که بالاخره این کار به نتیجه رسید من از تمامی افرادی که در این طرح شرکت نمودم و هر کدام گوشه ای از کار را گرفتن و یک کار بزرگ گروهی مجازی را همه با هم انجام دادیمتشکر می کنم به ویژه از زحمات ایران خانوم و کارشناس که این را را تا پایان ادامه دادند
من موافق قرار گرفتن فایل بصورت رایگان از طریق همین سایت برای تمام دوستان و کاربران عزیز می باشم باید دید نظر بقیه افراد چیست
من بخش بزرگی از قبولی خود در آزمون ارشد را مدیون استفاده از همین مجموعه هستم من تا قبل از این هیچ موقع در آزمونها به سمت سوالات زبان نمی رفتم و یا اگر جواب می دادم همیشه منفی می زدم اما با خواندن این کتاب بیشتر از حد تصورم توانستم به سوالات پاسخ دهم و الان هم در ترم دوم رشته آمار زیستی در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد در س می خونم به همه داوطلبان توصیه می کنم حتما از این مجموعه استفاده کنند

از مدیریت سایت خواهشمند است این موضوع را اطلاع تمامی اعضا برساند
من امسال تصمیم گرفتم زبان را در کنکور بالای 50 درصد بزنم به همان خاطر تصمیم دارم کل کتاب زبان لزگی را از ابتدا تا انتها از اول تمام لغات مشکل دارش را در بیارم و بعدا در طی حدود سه ماه آینده این لغات را توسط جعبه لایتینر که برای موبایل هم استفاده میشه تمام این لغات را به حافظه بلند مدتم بفرستم
تنها مشکلی که دارم کمبود وقت برای ترجمه و در آوردن این لغات می باشم به همین جهت تصمیم گرفتم از شما دوستان عزیز در این جهت کمک بگیریم بدین صورت که من در هر روز بخشی از این کتاب را در اینجا قرار می دهم و شما دوستان هر کدام در اندازه توان خود بخشی از این مطالب را ترجمه و لغات سخت و یا حتی آسون انرا در اورده و برای مطالعه دیگران در این محل بگذارید تا بنده این لغات را جمع اوری و در داخل جعبه لایتینر قرار دهم و فایل اماده شده و نحوه استفاده از آن را بر روی موبایل در همین مکان آموزش داده خواهد شد برای شروع من از قسمت آخر کتاب آزمون سال 89 -90 سری سوم را قرار داده و بعد از یکسری لغات که خودم در آورده ام برای نشان دادن نمونه کار قرار می دهم امیدوارم این کار با کمک شما دوستان عزیز به انجام برسد
البته من لغات کتاب 504 را هم در آوردم از هر درس حدود 80 لغت سخت و متوسط که اگر از این کار استقبال بشه اونها را هم اینجا برای استفاده قرار می دهم

از آنجاییکه منتشر کردن کتاب آقای لزگی از نظر قانونی مشکل دارد ( حق کپی رایت ) من دیگه نمی تونم متنها را اینجا بگذارم لذا جدول زیر را تهیه نمودم تا افرادی که به کتاب دسترسی دارند هر کدام یکی از ردیفهای مربوطه را انتخاب و لغات سخت آنرا در بیاورند و سپس این لغات را به اینجانب تحویل داده تا من آنها را تبدیل به فلش کارت نموده در اختیار همگان قرار دهم فقط هر چه تعداد افراد زیادتر باشد زودتر این کار به انجام می رسد تعداد صفحه ای که برای هر کس تعیین شده است بیشتر از دوساعت وقت برای پیدا کردن و نوشتن لغات سخت زمان نمی برد این جدول بندی بر اساس کتاب چاپ نوبت دوم سال 1389 می باشد اگر تعداد به بالای 200 نفر برسد کار یک روزه تمام می شود و می توانیم حدود سه 110روز باقی مانده دایره لغات خود را به طور معجزه آسایی افزایش دهیم
به درخواست کاربران و به پیشنهاد کاربر محترم sakar تقسیم بندی کار بر اساس مهارتها انجام می گیرد و طبق جدول زیر کابران اعلام آمادگی آمادگی برای انجام کار نموده اند شما نیز ما را در این کار یاری دهید

نرم افزار مربوطه که فرمت جاوا دارد و در اکثر گوشیهای موبایل نصب می شود
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براتون فلش کارتهای آزمون 89-90 سری سوم که لغات سختش را خودم در آورده بودم می گذارم در ابتدا نرم افزار مربوطه را در گوشی خود نصب کرده و سپس این فایل را در مموری گوشی خود ریخته و از طریق نرم افزار بازش کنید
آخرین ویرایش:


New member
آزمون 89 -90 سری سوم
Passage one

Educating people for health is clearly a major undertaking, and physicians can playa major role. Provider, of "education for health" arc not solely people formally trained as health educators, People in a variety of professions and organizations have opportunities to offer education for health, and physicians arc certainly no exception. The key is to find those target groups that arc best served by any profession whose members provide health education.

Surveys have shown considerable interest in health promotion among physicians and consensus on the health-promotion activities that are considered most important,
and convincing arguments for physician involvement in .health education have been made. However, preventive services are not uniformly distributed among physicians. Rather) health-promotion activities tend to be carried out by physicians who themselves: 'have better health habits and who have positive attitudes toward consoling. This may not be too surprising, but health education practices by physicians also lend to be. associated with such background characteristics as specialty 'and type or practice. In general. more. prevention activities are carried out .by non-surgeons, non- service physicians; and women physicians.

121. According to the first paragraph, the ''target group," for health education .

a. are mostly physicians . .

b. are frequently e du cared people

c. can be taught by people in different professions

d. should be located according to the physicians' recommendations

122, "target groups" (line 4) refers to .

a. providers of education for health education

b. physicians and patients

c. those in Geed of health education

d. people in a variety of professions and organizations

123. Research has revealed that generally physicians…………….. in health education.

a. are willing to participate

b. have failed to achieve anything

c. tend to he .reluctant to get involved

d. prefer to avoid full involvement

124. It is stated that are less active in health education,

a. women physicians

b. specialists and .non-surgeons

c. physicians working for. money

d. target group" with bad health habits

125. It is understood that-the .involvement of physicians in health education '………

a. is independent of physicians" specialty and type of practice

b. has all. association with their Own health habits

c. can result in the uniform distribution 0 f health education

d. is. evenly distributed among physicians and throughout the community

126. The information in the fast sentence of this reading selection…………… the information in .the preceding sentence.

a . contradicts b. illustrates c .questions
d. criticizes


New member
آزمون ورودی 89 -90 سری سوم جمعه صبح متن1 لغات سخت
clearly اشكارا،صريحا ،واضحا
undertaking عهد ، متعهد شدن
solely فقط* ، منحصرا ، بتنهائي*
formally رسما،صريحا،مط*ابق* ايين* واداب* ،بارعايت* تشريفات*
trainee کاراموز،شاگرد،کار
Opportunity فرصت ، مجال ، شانس ،
exception استثنا
considerable شايان* ، قابل* توجه* ، مهم*
consensus توافق* عام* ، رضايت* وموافقت* عمومي* اجماع
uniformly يكسان*، متحد الشكل*، يكنواخت*
rather سريع* تر ، بلكه* ، بيشتر درعوض
tend نگهداري* كردن* از ، وجه* كردن* متمايل* بودن* به* ، گرايش*داشتن*
as بطوريکه ،همچنانکه ،هنگاميکه ،چون ،نظر باينکه ،در نتيجه ،بهمان اندازه ،بعنوان مثال ،مانند
taught )ماضي* واسم* مفعول* فعل* )teach ، آموخته*
reveal آشكار كردن* ، فاش* كردن* ، معلوم* كردن*
participate شركت* كردن* ، دخالت* كردن*
willing مايل* ، راضي* ، حاضر ، خواهان*، راغب*
achieve دست يافتن ،انجام دادن ،بانجام رسانيدن ،رسيدن
fail خراب* شدن* ، تصوركردن* ، موفق* نشدن*
reluctant بي* ميل*
evenly بط*ورهموارياصاف* ،بط*ورتساوي* ،)بط*ور(يك* نواخت*
preceding پيش*،پيشي*،جلوي*،پيش*رفته*،سابق*،سابق*الذكر،قبلي*
contradict تناقض* داشتن* با ، مخالف* بودن* با،
illustrate توضيح* دادن* ، بامثال* روشن*ساختن*، شرح*دادن*


New member
passage two:
As the fruits 'of the Human Genome Project continue to make headlines, a related field has . been quietly gestating - genetic counseling, its practitioners arc hybrid professionals. Combining expertise. in human genetic, with the ability to communicate their knowledge to patients and families, "This 'profession is very much like a small,

quaint community that is well known among some circles, but is on the verge of being discovered by the rest of the world," says Janey Youngblom, associate director for the master's degree program in genetic counseling at California State University.

With the recent expansion of genetic-disease screening programs in newborns and n slew of direct-to-consumer genetic-testing websites, genetic counselors are more in demand than ever. The term -'genetic counseling' was coined by geneticist Sheldon Reed in 1947, referring to the advice he provided to physicians whose patients had inherited diseases, The field is still small. to Europe, the first genetic-counseling pro gram Started in 1992, from th e University of Manchester, UK, and 14 other nations are playing catch-up, with the most new efforts in Japan.

127. The first paragraph of the text is describing…… '

a. a new, academic discipline

b. professionals in the field

c. the Human Genome Project

d. well-known professional circles

128, It is implied that genetic counseling is ……….

a. popular worldwide

b. yet to be known globally

c. Thoroughly developed internationally

d. less in demand

129. According to the passage,

a. genetic counselors have more access to the Internet at present.

b. genetic counseling is better appreciated by experts in the field.

c. looking after newborns is more improved than ever.

d. genetic diseases are more common now than ever.

130. The author states that:

a, genetic counseling is a new development.

b. physicians are required to learn genetic counseling.

c. physicians should follow geneticists in (heir practice.

d. genetic counseling has been practiced for a long lime,

131 lt is stated that

a. Japan has been the last country to engage in genetic counseling.

b. 14 countries are competing with Japan in genetic counseling.

c. UK is a better place for genetic counseling in Europe.

d. genetic counseling is an expanded field in toe world.


New member
متن 2
quietly اهسته*،بيصدا،به*ارامي*،باشكيب*
gestate در شکم داشتن ،ابستن بودن ،حمل کردن
practitioner شاغل* ، شاغل* مقام* ط*بابت*
combine تركيب* كردن*
well known نيكنام* ، خوشنام* ، معروف* ، مشهور ، واضح* ، پيش*پااف پاافتاده*
quaint خيلي* ظ*ريف* ، از روي* مهارت* ، عجيب* و جالب*
circle دايره* ، محيط* دايره* ، محفل* ، حوزه* ، قلمرو ،دورزدن* دورزدن*
on the verge of نزديك* به*،در شرف*
associate وابسته* ، وابسته* كردن* ،همقطار،عضو پيوسته
expansion ،گسترش ،توسعه ،بسط،انبساط
slew زمان گذشته فعل )slay کشت
coin سکه زدن ،اختراع وابداع کردن
referring استناد
advice صوابديد، مشورت*، مصلحت*، نظ*ر، عقيده*،
catch up رسيدن به ،ربودن تحرک بيشتر براى جبران عقب ماندگى
discipline انضباط*، انتظ*ام*، نظ*م*، تاديب*، ترتيب*، تحت* نظ*م* وترتي ترتيب* در آوردن*، تاديب* كردن*
implied ضمني* ، ضمنا ، مفهوم*
worldwide جهاني* ، در سرتاسر جهان*
internationally از لحاظ* بين*المللي*،در ميان*همه*ملت* ها
at present اكنون*،فعلا
appreciate تقدير كردن* ، درك* كردن* ،احساس*


New member
Passage three:

Many people confuse the common cold with influenza (the flu). Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, while (he common cold generally is not. While some of the symptoms of the common cold and influenza may be similar, patients with the common cold typically have a milder illness. Patients with influenza are usually sicker and have a more abrupt onset of illness with fever, chills, headache, body aches, dry cough, and extreme weakness. Though differentiating between the common cold and 'influenza can be .difficult, there is Laboratory testing available to confirm the" diagnoses of influenza.

There is no cure for the cure common cold. Home treatment is directed all alleviating the symptoms associated with the common cold .and allowing this self-Limiting illness to run its course.

Supportive measures for the common cold include rest .and drinking plenty of fluids,

Over-the-counter medications such as throat lozenges, throat sprays, cough drops, and cough syrups may also hell' bring relief Decongestants such' as Sudafed or antihistamines may be used for nasal symptoms. Saline .sprays and a humidifier may also be beneficial.

132, Common cold and influenza. are claimed to be '………..

a, etiologically different

b. generated identical

c _ synonymous in meaning
d. 'essentially similar

133, The text refers to laboratory testing as a method to………..

a. 'identifying the severity of common cold

b. removing complications related to common cold

c. diagnosing influenza d.' treat in g influenza

134. Common cold is allegedly a………… discomfort.

a. symptom-free b. hospital-limited c. self-dilating d. self - healing

'13 5 The medications indicated …………the common co ld.

a .. are essential for quick recovery from '

b. can be used' to relieve symptoms of

c. could exacerbate complications of

d. are incapable of any relieving effects on


New member
mild ملايم* ، سست* ، مهربان* ، معتدل*
abrupt سر آشيبي*، ناگهان*، ناگهاني*،
onset حمله* ، هجوم* ، اصابت* ، وهله* ، شروع*
illness بيماري* ، كسالت*،
chill سردكردن*، خنك* شدن* ، سرما، خنكي*
ache درد گرفتن ،درد کردن ،درد
confirm تاييد كردن* ، تصديق* كردن*
diagnose ط*ب*( تشخيص* دادن*، برشناخت* كردن*
alleviate سبك* كردن* ، آرام* كردن* ، كم* كردن*
supportive مجهز كننده* ، حامي* ، پشتيبان*
measures اقدامت ،پيشگيريها
medication تداوي* ، تجويز دوا ، دارو
throat گلو ، ناي* گلو درد
lozenge لوزي* ، شكل* لوزي* ، قرص* لوزي* شكل*
over the counter خارج* از
drop قطره
syrup شربت* ، محلول* غليظ* قندي*
relief كمك* ، امداد ، رفع* نگراني* ، تسكين*
nasal وابسته* به*بيني*
saline محلول نمک ،درجه شورى ،نمک دار،نمکين ،شور
claim ادعا ، دعوي* ، مط*البه* ، ادعا كردن*
generate توليد كردن* گسترش يافتن ،افريدن ،ساختن
identical يكي* ، همان* ، يكجور، يكسان* ، برابر
complication پيچيدگي* ، بغرنجي* ، ) ط*ب* ( عوارض* ، عواقب*
heal شفا دادن* ، خوب* كردن* ، التيام* دادن* ، خوب* شدن*
dilate اتساع* دادن*، گشاد كردن*، بزرگ* كردن*
INDICATE نشان* دادن* ، نمايان*ساختن* ، اشاره*كردن* بر
recovery سلامتى ،بازيابى ،برگشت ،ترميم ،بهبودى ،بازيافت
relieve تسلي* دادن* ، فرو نشاندن* ، بر كنار كردن*
exacerbate بدتركردن*، تشديد كردن* ، برانگيختن*
incapable عاجز ، ناتوان*، نا قابل* ، نالايق*


New member
Passage four:

Many forms of avian' flu virus cause: only insignificant symptoms in the birds or no symptoms at all, However, some of the viruses generate a highly contagious and rapidly fatal disease, leading to a severe epidemic, and thereby devastate poultry business. On the, other hand, the very atypical ability of avian flu viruses to contaminate humans, known as 'species jumping', throw up a distressing possibility. in such a 'case, a highly ,pathogenic avian flu virus merges-with a human flu virus and creates a new virus that is easily passed along and gets rapidly fatal. If-lhis happen", the result could be a flu .pandemic.

One means of . species jumping is when a person carrying flu Comes into close contact with birds having highly 'pathogenic avian flu Here, there is a tiny ,chance that the person could become infected with the avian flu virus and start carrying both the human and the avian flu virus, which could meet in the persons body and swap genes with each other and. Result .in a flu pandemic

in the countries that have bee" affected by avian flu, governments have begun, as a remedy, to cull affected poultry stocks. By removing the potential for the virus to spread through the countries' chicken populations, it is hoped that the virus is contained and removed from circulation.

136. The words "epidemic" and "pandemic" in the first paragraph .

a. refer to bird and humn populations, respectively

b. refer to human and bird populations, respectively

c. both refer to the bird popular ion

d. both refer to the human population

137, According to the passage, all the following show the preconditions for a pandemic to take place except for ………………..._.

a. a virus merge should happen

b. species jumping should occur

c. the original two viruses should be atypical

d. the avian flu should be extremely pathogenic

138. We can infer from the passage that a pandemic is………………… '

a, more common than the epidemic but less common cold than the usual avian flu

b. less Common than the epidemic but more common than the usual avian flu

c. as common as the usual avian flu and the: epidemic

d. less com m on than both the avian flu and the epidemic

139. A flu species jumping may be the product of………,

a. an exchange of genes between the two virus types

b. one gene type destroying the other one

c. a third gene type having dominated the two gene types

d. the mere carrying of the two gene types

140. The word "cull" in the last paragraph most probably means __ . __ '

a. study b. limit c. treat d. ki11


New member
متن 4
avian وابسته* به* مرغان* ، مرغي*
insignificant ناچيز
contagious واگير ، مسري* ، واگيردار
leading راهنمائي* ، هدايت* ، نفوذ ، عمده* ، برجسته*
However بهر حال* هرچند،اگر چه ،هر قدر هم
thereby بدان* وسيله* ، از آن* راه* ، بموجب* آن* در نتيجه*
devastate ويران* كردن* ، خراب* كردن* ، تاراج* كردن*
poultry مرغ* وخروس* ، مرغ* خانگي* ، ماكيان*
atypical غيرمعمولي* ، بيقاعده*
species نوع* ، گونه* ، قسم* ، بشر ، انواع*
distressing غم* فزا،پريشاني* اور
throw up بلند كردن* ، كناره* گيري* كردن* از ، قي* كردن*
possibility امکان ،احتمال ،چيز ممکن
pathogenic ناخوشي*زا،مولد مرض*
merge ادغام* كردن*
Here اينجا ، در اينجا ، در اين* موقع* ، اكنون*، در اين*با باره*
swap معاوضه* ، عوض* كردن* ، مبادله* كردن* ، بيرون* كردن*
affected ساختگي*، آميخته* با ناز و تكبر، تحت* تاثير واقع* شده*
remedy گزير ، علاج* ، دارو ، درمان* ، ميزان* ، چاره* ، اصلاح*ك كردن* ، جبران* كردن* ،درمان* كردن*
cull گلچين* كردن* ، جمع* آوري* كردن*
stocks انبارها
potential عامل* بالقوه* ، عامل* ، بالفعل*
contain محتوي* بودن* ، دارا بودن* ، دربرداشتن* ، شامل* بودن* ، خودداري* كردن* ،بازداشتن*
respectively بترتيب*
precondition پيش شرطى
except مگر، باستثناي*، غير از
infer استنباط* كردن*
dominate چيره* شدن* ، حكمفرما بودن* ، تسلط* داشتن* ،تفوق* يافتن*
mere دريا، آب* راكد ، مرداب* ، محض* ، خالي* ، تنها ،انحصا انحصاري* ، فقط*


New member

Passage five:

While it has been established that inflammation in the body play, an important role in the build-up of clogged arteries, this is the first study to investigate whether the number of times individuals brush their teeth has any bearing on the risk of developing hear! disease. The authors analyzed data from over 11,000 adults who took part in the Scottish Health Survey about lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, physical activity and oral health routines. Nurses collected information on medical history (MH) and family history (fh) of heart disease, blood pressure and blood samples from consenting adults, The samples enabled the researchers to determine levels of inflammation in the body. The data gathered from the interviews were linked to hospital admissions and deaths in Scotland until December 2007.

Once the data were adjusted for established cardio risk factors such as social class. obesity, smoking and family history of heart disease, the researchers found that participants who reported less frequent tooth brushing had a 70% extra risk of heart disease compared to individuals who brushed their teeth twice a day, although the overall risk .remained quite. low. Participants who had poor oral hygiene. also tested positive for in inflammatory marker, such as the C-reactive protein and fibrinogen,

"Our results confirmed and further strengthened the suggested association between oral hygiene and the risk .of cardiovascular disease; furthermore, ;inflammatory markers were significantly associated with a very simple measure of poor oral health behavior," Watt '-said,

I'll, The results• of 'this study 'showed that:

a, inflammation in the' body 'may cause clogged. arteries.

b, people with Pool' oral hygiene. have an increased risk. of heart disease.

c. there .has been increased interest in the links between heart problem" and gum disease.

d. medical history and family history of heart disease correlate with hypertension

142. "the data gathered consisted of ………….

'a, Fh, MH, and social history for-thousands of people
b. lifestyle behaviors and 'smoking among the English
c. blood samples, blood press me and interviews

d. over 11,000 adults in the Scottish Heath Survey

143, The study proved poor oral health behavior to be a(n) ……………. cardiovascular disease

a, cause'
b. associate
c. risk factor
d. investigation

i44. To find there has been any ',,, inflammation in the body……………., was used.

a, poor hygiene

b. C -reactive protein

c. high blood pressure

d. oral! inflammatory marker

145. A good title for this passage is .

a. inflammation and Medical history '

b. Clogged Arteries and. Heart Disease

c. Oral hygienic and H earl Disease

d. medical Research


New member
متن 5
established محقق ،مسلم ،برقرار،ثابت ،محرز
inflammation )ط*ب* ( آماس* ، التهاب* ، شعله* ور سازي* ، احتراق*
brush اك* كن* زدن* ،مسواك* زدن* ،ليف* زدن* ، قلم* مو زدن* نقاش،نقاشي* كردن*
bearing ط*اقت* ، بردباري* ، وضع* ، رفتار، سلوك* ، جهت* ، نسبت*
survey ،براورد،نقشه بردارى ،بررسى ،مطالعه
consent رضايت* ، موافقت* ، راضي* شدن* ، رضايت* دادن*
enable قادر ساختن*، وسيله* فراهم* كردن* ، تهيه* كردن* براي* اخ،اختيار دادن*
determine تصميم* گرفتن*، مصمم* شدن*، حكم* دادن*، تعيين* كردن*
admission پذيرش*، قبول*، تصديق*، اعتراف*، دخول*، درآمد، اجازه*ءو ورود، وروديه*، پذيرانه*، بارداد
adjust تعديل* كردن* ، تنظ*يم* كردن* ،تنظيم شده
established محقق ،مسلم ،برقرار،ثابت ،محرز
participant شركت* كننده* ، شريك* ، انباز ، سهيم* ، همراه*
compare مقايسه* كردن* ، برابركردن* ، باهم* سنجيدن*
quite کاملا،بکلى ،تماما،سراسر،واقعا
confirmed محرز،مسجل ،مسلم ،برقرار،تاييد شده
further بيشتر، ديگر ، مجدد ، اضافي* ، زائد ، بعلاوه* ، بعدي* ، دوتر ، جلوتر ، پيش*
strengthen نيرومند كردن* ، قوي* كردن* ، تقويت* دادن* ، تقويت*يافت يافتن* ،تحكيم* كردن*
association انجمن* ، وابستگي* ، وابسته* سازي*
cardiovascular قلبى - عروقى
furthermore بعلاوه* ، از اين* گذشته* ، گذشته* از اين* ، وانگهي*
inflammatory اشتعالى ،فتنه انگيز،فساد اميز،اتش افروز،فتنه جو
marker نشان* گذار ، علامت* ، نشانه*
significant مهم*، معني* دار ،قابل توجه ،حاکى از،عمده ،معنى دار
associate وابسته* ، وابسته* كردن*
simple ساده*
gum لثه* دندان* ،انگم*،صمغ*،چسب*،قي*
correlate همبستگي* داشتن* ، مرتبط*كرد كردن*
consist مركب* بودن* از ، شامل* بودن* ، عبارت* بودن* از


New member
Part two: Vocabulary

Directions: Read the following statements. then select the one response a. b .c. .d,. that best: completes each one.

116. AII cancer treatment in a hematological malignancy aims at complete……….. ~. ,

a, remission b, removal

c. disappearance d. . excision

147. A' chronic disease which puts great stress 0n the family and the child may have ……………emotional problems, particularly in adolescence.

a: ignorable b .. neglected

c. restricted < d. considerable

148. When some typical signs and symptoms of a disease are incompletely developed or absent, a correct diagnosis may depend on…………………… of less common manifestations.

a. deficiency b. awareness

c. convenience d. perseverance

149. The increasing…………………………… in medical care has/have caused a sharp drop in infant mortality rate.
a. constraints c. sophistication

b. confusion d. complaints

150. Acute pain, occurring in the first 24 to 48hours after surgery, is often difficult to……………. ___ ~ and narcotics are seldom effective for all such pain.

a. conceive b. relieve.

c. retrieve d. perceive

151 An infant with diarrhea should not be fed milk, but should be given all electrolyte mixture to…………… los water and salt,

a. induce c. replace

b. elevate d. replicate

152. Replacement stern cells and tissues may be used to treat brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s by………………… damaged tissue.

a. exacerbating b. multiplying

c. augmenting d. replenishing

153. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disease of' the brain which eventually …………….social or occupational functioning.

a. impedes b. urges

C. craves d. subsides

154. The youth tendency to reject traditional values is sometimes related to being ___ foreign life-styles,
a, suspicious of
c. resistant to
b. exposed to
d. disgusted by

155, When the natural fiber in apples………… in the colon, it produces chemicals that
help fight the formation of cancerous cells.
a, generates C, germinates

b. fertilizes d. ferments

156, When …………..a sick person, before prescribing any drug, doctors should identify the organism causing the disease.

a. abused by .

c, accompanied by
b. confronted with
d. presented to

157. Drugs can be used to relieve the symptoms of Parkinsonism for many years, but unfortunately the degeneration of brain cells in this condition cannot be……………. .

a, halted b. stimulated

e. incited d. renewed

158, internal parts are much less sensitive than the skin, and diseases in them usually ___ a quite different sensation, .

A. look into b. take up

c. give rise to d. get rid of

159. Although there are complications………………… diabetes, many. subjects live to an old age,

a. associated with b. ruling out

c. distanced from d. delving into .

. 160. Any meditation" ,especially…………. Or over-the-counter ones, must have a label describing how to use' them safely ,

a. non-prescription b. illegitimate

c. irregular d. non- pervasive


New member
hematological خونی
malignancy بدخیم
remission بهبودي*بيماري* بيماري*
removal ،جدا کردن ،پاک کردن ،از بين بردن ،برداشت ،رفع
disappearance ناپديدي* ، ناپيدا شدن* ، نامرئي* شدن*
excision کندن وبیرون آوردن بریدن
chronic مزمن* ، سخت* ، شديد
adolescence نو جواني*، دوره* جواني*، دوره*ء شباب*، بلوغ*، رشد
restricted محصور ، در مضيقه*
considerable شايان* ، قابل* توجه* ، مهم*
symptom ،اثر،دليل ،علائم مرض ،علامت
absent غايب*، مفقود، غير موجود، پريشان* خيال*
diagnosis )ط*ب*( تشخيص*، تشخيص* ناخوشي*
depend وابسته* بودن*، مربوط* بودن*، منوط* بودن*
manifestation آشكار سازي* ، ظ*هور ، ابراز
deficiency نقص* ، كمي*، كمبود، كسر ، ناكارآئي*
awareness آگاهي* ، اط*لاع* ، هشياري*
convenience آسودگي* ، راحتي* ، )درجمع* ( تسهيلات*
perseverance پشتكار ، استقامت* ، ثبات* قدم* ، مداومت* ، اصرار
drop افت* ، سقوط*
constraint ،گرفتارى ،توقيف ،محدوديت
sophistication ،مهارت ،کمال
confusion گيجي* ، اشتباهي* گرفتن*
complaint شكايت* ، دادخواهي*
narcotic مخدر، مسكن*، مربوط* به*مواد مخدره*
seldom بسيار كم* ، بندرت* ، خيلي* كم* ، ندرتا
conceive درک کردن ،حمل کردن
relieve تسلي* دادن* ، فرو نشاندن* ، بر كنار كردن*
retrieve باز يافتن*
perceive درك* كردن* ، دريافتن* ، مشاهده* كردن*
induce اغوا کردن ،فراهم کردن ،تحميل کردن ،تحريک کردن
elevate بلند كردن* ، بالابردن* ، ترفيع* دادن* ، عالي* كردن*
replicate تكرار كردن* ، برگرداندن* ، تازدن* ، جورساختن*
replacement جايگزيني*
stem ساقه* ،تنه* ، ميله* ،گردنه* ، دنباله*
exacerbate بدتركردن*، تشديد كردن* ، برانگيختن*
augment تكميل كردن ، زياد كردن ، گسترده
replenish دوباره* پر كردن* ترمیم کردن
progressive مترقي* ، ترقي* خواه* ، تصاعدي*
neurologic وابسته به عصب شناسى يا پى شناسى
impede بازداشتن* ، مانع*شدن* ، ممانعت* كردن*
urge اصرار كردن* ، با اصرار وادار كردن* ، انگيختن* ،تسري تسريع* شدن*
crave آرزو كردن* ، ط*لبيدن* ، اشتياق* داشتن*
subside نشست* كردن* ، فرو نشستن* ، فروكش* كردن*
tendency گرايش* ، تمايل*
resistant مقاوم* ، پايدار
exposed to در معرض مواجه با
disgusted متنفر،بيزار،سير،ملول*
suspicious بدگمان* ، ظ*نين* ، حاكي* از بدگماني* ، مشكوك*
fertilize بارور كردن* ،حاصلخيز كردن* ،لقاح* كردن*
ferment ترش شدن ،مخمرشدن ،ور امدن ،
germinate جوانه*زدن* ، شروع* به* رشد كردن* ، سبز شدن*
accompanied by همراه*،باتفاق*،بهمراهي
confront روبرو شدن* با ، مواجهه* دادن*
relieve تسلي* دادن* ، فرو نشاندن* ، بر كنار كردن* ، تغييرپست* پست* دادن*
degeneration فساد، انحط*اط*، تباهي*
halt ايست* ، مكث* ، درنگ*
stimulate تحريك* كردن* ، تهييج* كردن* ، انگيختن*
incite انگيختن*، باصرار وادار كردن*، تحريك* كردن*
look in to رسيدگى کردن بررسی کردن تفحص کردن
take up برداشتن ،اشغال کردن ،جذب کردن
give rise to باعث شدن ،موجب شدن
get rid of رها شدن خلاص شدن از
complication ( عوارض* ، عواقب*
ASSOCIATE وابسته* ، وابسته* كردن* مرتبط
ruling out مستثنی کننده
distance مسافت* ، فاصله* ،دوري*،
delving into کاوش کردن تفحص کردن
prescription ،نسخه* نويسي* ،تجويز ، نسخه*
illegitimate حرامزاده* ، غير مشروع*، ناروا
irregular نا منظ*م* ، بي* قاعده
pervasive فراگير ، نافذ ، فراگيرنده*


New member
دوستان موافقت خودشون را با این کار اعلام کنند تا از فردا هر روز یک آزمون را قرار بدهم


New member
من فکر میکنم اگر معنی جملات مشکل رو بنویسید بهتر باشه.
پیدا کردن معنی لغات راحتتره. اگر با فونت بزرگتر هم بنویسید خواندنش آسون میشه. موفق باشید.
آخرین ویرایش:


New member
نمیدونم چرا از این کار زیاد استقبال نشده است شاید هنوز کاربران از این موضوع مطلع نشده باشند برای همین من امروز سه تا از متنهای آزمون 89 - 90 سری دوم را میگذارم کاربران محترم هر کدوم یکی از این متنها را ترجمه و لغات سخت آن را مثل نمونه در بیاورید و همین جا بگذارید


New member

A few years ago, a young mother watched her husband diaper their firstborn son, "You do not have to be so grim about •it", she protested, "You can talk to him and smile a little.' The father, who happened to be a psychologist, answered firmly, "He has nothing to say to me, and I have nothing to .say to him

Psychologists now know how wrong that father was. From the moment of birth, a baby has a great deal to say to his parents, and they to him. But a decade or so ago, these experts were describing the newborn as a primitive creature who reacted only by reflex , a helpless victim •of its environment without capacity to influence it. And .mothers accepted the gospel. Most thought (and some still do) that a new infant could see only blurry shadows, that his other senses were undeveloped, and that an he required was nourishment. clean diapers, and a warm bassinet.

121. According to this reading selection, the father…………………._. .

a. had a misunderstanding of the infant's capacities

b. was angry with his wife because she ordered him to diaper the baby

c. thought that diapering the baby was something unnecessary

d. disliked having a newborn baby

122. The gospel accepted by mothers was that

a. psychologists were wrong about newborns.

b. it was their duty to take care of the newborns.

c, they had to follow what psychologists had found. d. the newborn was a helpless victim

123. The newborn is now considered to be a creature,

a. responsive

b. primitive

c. men tally handicapped
d physically disabled

124. it is stated in this reading selection that

a . some mothers are still wrong about the newborn.

b. the newborns of today are cleverer than their past counterparts.

C. unlike parents, psychologists have always appreciated the newborns' potentials.
d. parents' roles have drastically changed concerning the care of the newborn.

125. The main idea of this paragraph is that

a. the newborns are smarter than they used to be.

b parents must behave more tenderly toward their newborn".

c mothers are more sympathetic than fathers toward their newborns,
d. our attitude toward the newborns needs to be changed further


New member
passage TWO

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they are superior to others and have Lillie regard for other people's feelings. NPD is defined more specifically as a pattern of grandiosity (exaggerated claims to talents, importance, or specialness) in the patient’s private fantasies Or outward behavior, a need for constant admiration from others and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders.
Personality disorders are condition, in which people have traits that cause them to feel and behave in socially distressing ways, limiting their ability to function in relationships and in other areas of their Life, such as' work or school. one important aspect of NPD that should be noted is that it does not prevent people from occupying,
as well as aspiring to, positions of power, wealth, and prestige. Many people with NPD are sufficiently talented to secure the credentials or success. In addition , narcissists' preoccupation with a well-packaged exterior means that they often develop all. attractive and persuasive social manner.

l26. The two characteristic, mentioned in the first sentence are ……………………….'

a, key features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

b. needed tor an understanding of other mental disorders

c. issues suppressed by those having a sense of specialness

d. the-reasons why such people are deeply admired

127. The pattern of grandiosity deals with the patient's ………………………..

a, high social status

b. genuine talents

c. inflated sense of importance

d. respect for-other peoples feelings

128. The person suffering from NPD is, shown to…………. .

a. be reluctant to work or go to school

b have a high confidences’ life

c. enjoy a fantastic private Iife

d. have' low self-esteem in reality

129. Many people with NPD……….. .

a. arc eager to suppress their true potentials

b. , have the potential to succeed in life

c. encourage persuasive social behavior

d. lack a sense of inspiration

130. People suffering from ,NPD…………. .

a. are deeply obsessed with an attractive outward behavior h. fail to meet their need for social power

c. guarantee secured personal behavior

d. are quite tolerant of criticism [/SIZE
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